The Fredericksburg Health Care Center (HCC)
Fredericksburg, Virginia
We provided NEPA support services for the proposed 427,000 sq ft HCC with 2,600 parking spaces.
We completed a National Environmental Policy Act Review Process (NEPA) Environmental Assessment (EA), which identified, analyzed, and documented the potential physical, environmental, cultural, and socioeconomic impacts associated with the proposed development and operation of the HCC.
The project scope included:
- Traffic Impact Analyses (TIAs)
- Initial Cultural Resources Assessments
- Phase I Archaeological Survey
- Cultural and Archeological Resource Survey/Section 106 Consultation Support
- Wetland Delineations
- Biological Surveys
During the public review period for the EA, we supported our client in a virtual public meeting to present the Draft EA and receive public comments and questions. Following the public review, comments were addressed, and the Final EA and FONSI were prepared. A FONSI is a document that presents reasons why it has been concluded that no significant environmental impacts are projected at a site.
Cultural and archaeological research found that one prospective site contains a Confederate Civil War encampment, an archaeological site eligible for listing in the National Park Service’s National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). An archaeological survey of the second prospective site identified four archaeological sites; however, none were determined to be eligible for listing in the NRHP. NHPA Section 106 consultation for the proposed HCC development included identifying consulting parties and preparing documents submitted to Virginia SHPO, ACHP, Native American tribes, and local historic preservation groups.
A Section 106 Programmatic Agreement (PA) was developed with Virginia SHPO to mitigate potential adverse historic property effects. With the execution of the PA, the VA was able to complete the required NHPA consultation necessary for site selection and lease award.
The Fredericksburg HCC is located at 5313 Jefferson Davis Highway and is expected to be open by late 2024. Read more information here or visit Carnegie Management & Development Corp’s website to learn more about the largest privately-owned VA medical center.