Geotechnical Engineering
Our geotechnical staff provide field testing and drilling services, comprehensive soils laboratory testing, and geotechnical design and construction recommendations for structures, pavements, embankments, and containment facilities.
CT determines the best and most economical design and construction recommendation solutions when sites contain poor soil conditions.
Subsurface Investigations and Geotechnical Reports:
- Foundation Settlement
- Retaining Walls
- Flexible & Rigid Pavement Design
- Slope Stability & Embankments
- Groundwater Control & Drainage
- Soil Permeability
Soil and Rock Laboratory Testing:
- Atterberg Limits
- Grain Size Analysis
- Unconfined Compressive Strength (soil & rock)
- Moisture-density Relationship Determination (proctors)
- One-dimensional Consolidation
- California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
- Triaxial Shear Tests (UU and CU strength)
- Direct Shear
- Specific Gravity
- Flexible Wall & Constant Head Permeability
- Electrical Resistivity
- Organic Content by Loss On Ignition (LOI)
- Lime and Cement Mix Design for Soil Stabilization
- Slake Durability
Field Testing:
- Foundation Inspection
- Field CBR Tests
- Static Plate Load Tests
- Field Resistivity Tests
- Caisson Inspection
- Pile-Driving and Load Testing Inspection
- Rock Permeability Packer Testing

Curt Roupe, PE
Vice President
Geotechnical Engineering