by Elizabeth Baron | Jan 2, 2022 | Landscape Architecture, Project
Seneca Casino Niagara Falls, New York The plaza spans most of a city block, covering lower casino offices and bridging a lower parking lot from Third Street to the front of the casino. CT renovated the western entrance plaza to the Seneca Casino in conjunction with a...
by Elizabeth Baron | Jan 2, 2022 | Construction Administration, Project, Transportation
Plaza Boulevard Extension Mentor, Ohio A long-awaited connector relieves traffic congestion and improves emergency response time. CT provided planning, design, and construction for the extension of Plaza Boulevard providing an additional north/south access roadway...
by Elizabeth Baron | Jan 2, 2022 | Project, Project Management
Owner’s Rep for Eastlake Minor League Ballpark Eastlake, Ohio CT served as owner’s representative to the City of Eastlake for the construction of a new 7,200 seat minor league baseball stadium. The ballpark includes many seating accommodations, including...
by Elizabeth Baron | Jan 2, 2022 | Project, Transportation
Ohio University Service Drive Turnaround Improvements Athens, Ohio The design addressed safety and access for University deliveries. CT prepared detailed plans, specifications, and bidding documents, and provide assistance during bidding and construction for the...
by Elizabeth Baron | Jan 2, 2022 | Project, Transportation
Ohio University Health & Physical Education Center Parking Lot (Eastern Campus) Athens, Ohio University’s Parking Lot Structural Failure Resolved and Water Quality Features Added. The asphalt parking lot serving the Health and Physical Education Center (HPEC) at...