CT News

Trumbull Mineral Ridge Hydraulic Improvements

CT was thrilled to be a part of this groundbreaking last week (Bob McNutt, PE on the far left). Trumbull County received a $3M grant to move forward with improvements, including a new water storage tank, a new water booster station, and 3K+ feet of 12-inch water main (with all hydrants, valves, and appurtenances) improvements.

Thanks again to everyone involved with today’s event! It was great to receive a large sum of money for the much-needed hydraulic improvement project.


Together with everyone’s cooperation, we pulled off a great event for the Governor. We should all be proud of the way our entities represented Trumbull County as a whole.


I just wanted to say great job and thank you to CT consultants, the County, Weathersfield Township, and the City of Niles.

Bob Maiorano, CPA, CRMA, CICA
Trumbull County Sanitary Engineers


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