WWTP Expansion – Phase 1
Village of Plain City, Ohio
Five cost-effective options for wastewater treatment facility expansion.
The Village of Plain City WWTP existing treatment facility is rated at 0.75 MGD capacity and includes three oxidation ditches, final clarifiers, and UV disinfection with post aeration. The WWTP facility has reached its maximum capacity and Ohio EPA issued non-compliance of its NPDES with frequent TSS violations.
During preliminary design, we evaluated five WWTP expansion options to provide the most capacity to meet the Village of Plain City’s budget in the most cost-effective manner. The project team and the Village analyzed each option to provide operational flexibility and consider future expansion for long-term implementation assurance on compliance with current and future NPDES permits. In order to meet the 20-year projected flow demand, the project will consist of 3 phases, with a proposed increase of 1.33 MGD in each phase.
The Phase 1 WWTP Expansion Project increased treatment plant capacity by an additional 0.75 MGD, bringing to a total WWTP capacity rated at 1.5 MGD without demolition of the existing two Oxidation Ditches units or 1.25 MGD with the demolition of one unit. The Phase 1 expansion included the addition of the new Oxidation Ditch, 0.75 MGD capacity, final clarifier, UV disinfection, sludge pumping, and site improvements.
NOTE: Images depict current conditions.