Manorbrook Stream Restoration
South Russell, Ohio
The project’s purpose is to restore the existing 992 lf of the headwater stream channel that is impacted by channelization, hydrologic disconnection, and urban development.
Also included in the project is the restoration of three smaller tributaries totaling 444 lf to the main stem channel and revegetation of four acres of riparian forested floodplain. With the channel realignment, added sinuosity, and daylighting the culverted pond outlet, the total on-site stream length increases from 1,436 to 1,780 lf, and on-site wetlands increases from 3.4 to 4.0 acres. Restoration techniques designed for the project included channel realignment, increased sinuosity, riffle grade control features, bank protection, floodplain excavation to restore hydrologic connectivity, invasive species control, and revegetation of forested floodplain.
CT completed the field survey, wetland delineation, restoration concept design, site plan and grading, planting plan, permitting, and assisting with bidding services.
Pictured is the project plan, current site conditions, and soil testing.