Index of /bid_documents/231566/

NameLast ModifiedSize
UpParent Directory
DirectoryPACP2024-05-09 11:48-
DirectoryReference Drawings2024-05-09 11:48-
File231566 Final Report Geotech Report Forest Lawn Stormwater Park.pdf2024-05-09 11:48 6154k
File231566 Geotech Memo Forest Lawn Stormwater Park - Pavilion Fill.pdf2024-05-09 11:48 62k
FileAddendum 01.pdf2024-05-10 13:44 43k
FileAddendum 02 with Enclosures.pdf2024-05-30 12:34 5482k
FileApparent Bids.pdf2024-06-06 19:53 249k
FileBid Tabulation.pdf2024-07-03 18:05 601k
FileDWGS - 231566 ABC - Forest Lawn Stormwater Park.pdf2024-05-09 11:48 29234k
[TXT]Planholder.html2024-06-06 12:08 24k
Fileproposalitems - Not a Bid Form.xlsx2024-05-09 11:48 20k
FileSection 01A (Front End).pdf2024-05-09 11:48 1716k
FileSection 01B - Bid Forms - Ref Only.pdf2024-05-09 11:48 111k
FileSection 02 - Contract Forms.pdf2024-05-09 11:48 1536k
FileSection 03 - General Conditions.pdf2024-05-09 11:48 8k
FileSection 04 - Supplementary Conditions.pdf2024-05-09 11:48 589k
FileSection 05 - Specifications.pdf2024-05-09 11:48 2913k
FileSection 06 - Standard Specifications.pdf2024-05-09 11:48 512k
FileSection 07 - Specific Project Requirements.pdf2024-05-09 11:48 601k
FileSection 08 - Specific Requirements - EPA.pdf2024-05-09 11:48 2509k
FileSection 09 - Wage Rates.pdf2024-05-09 11:48 15009k
FileSection 10 - Appendix.pdf2024-05-09 11:48 1134k
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